Register your WD product to get the latest updates and special offers. * Toll free number is available in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
When contacting WD for support, have your WD product serial number, system hardware, and system software versions available. Online Learning Center - Get the most out of your personal cloud storage with the latest information, instructions and software.WD Community-Share your thoughts and connect with other WD users.Installation-Get online installation help for your WD product or software.Knowledge Base-Search by keyword, phrase, or answer ID.Warranty & RMA Services-Get warranty, product replacement (RMA), RMA status, and data recovery information.Registration-Register your WD product to get the latest updates and special offers.Downloads-Download drivers, software, and updates for your WD product.Visit our product support website at and choose from the following topics: To help us keep you informed of new features and services, remember to register your product online at. Email support is free for the entire warranty period and our extensive knowledge base is available 24/7. This 30-day period starts on the date of your first telephone contact with WD Technical Support. Your product includes 30 days of free telephone support during the warranty period. If the answer is not available or if you prefer, please contact WD at the best telephone number shown below. Most technical support questions can be answered through our knowledge base or email support service at. Should you encounter any problem, please give us an opportunity to address it before returning this product. Specific Problems and Corrective Actions.Windows Media Player 11/12 (Windows Vista/Windows 7).Accessing My Book Live from Media Players.Playing/Streaming Videos, Photos, & Music.Troubleshooting Your WD Photos Database.

Once system operational and plugged in, it appears in Device Manager. Also, when plugged in at boot up, it stops/freezes computer from completing. Launching WD SmartWare After Installation WD 2 TB My Book NOT Recognized by Norton or by File Explorer, but shows up in Device Manager.Backing Up and Retrieving Your Computer Files.Getting Started Without the Online Setup Software (Windows & Mac OS).