It must be common in soviet russia for software to be made by punks that think their software is so important that they have a non-removal able reminder letting all of their users know they are Boris's Bitch and have to read stupid text for 10 seconds.

System Startup & Shutdown Trigger can start a task upon Windows start or exit, and even more. Dynamic variables & Events of the System Startup & Shutdown. Automation Workshop allows launching automated Tasks under any user account, including the System user.Enable or disable the System Startup & Shutdown Trigger and specify the delay between Trigger activation and Task execution.Choose an event that will activate the Trigger.Clear temporary files on system startup.Notify a system administrator by email right before the system has shutdown.Save the date and time of Windows shutdown into a text file (for later retrieval).Disable Tasks right after shutdown request and enable them after the system has fully initialized.Perform resource intensive data preparation upon system startup for later instant retrieval by other Tasks.Executes Tasks when the Automation Workshop Service or Manager is started or stopped.But as you work mostly inside the the terminal. Looking at the other answers this might seem controversial.

#Text edit launches on startup how to
Here's how to prevent apps from automatically starting when you sign into Windows 10 or 11. Start any program on Windows Startup for any specified user, or even the for System account easily. Too many startup apps can be a drag on your PC’s performance.A single Trigger can be configured to process one event-either start or shutdown. Also, it can trigger on the Automation Workshop Manager or Service activity. Automation Workshop includes the System Startup & Shutdown Trigger, that executes a Task upon starting or exiting of Microsoft Windows.